If you consider Downtown Oroville to be the heart of Oroville, then Miners Alley is rightfully the heart, of the heart, of Oroville. A number of our historic Gold Rush-era buildings back into Miners Alley, which of itself is an important and unique historic resource.
The Miners Alley Revitalization Project intends to make Miners Alley from Huntoon to Downer a unique special event space.

Plans are for up to 8 events per year in this space, featuring live music, performing arts, art shows, history talks, a temporary outdoor dining space, and a temporary marketplace.
We believe strongly in supporting our local economy, and wherever possible, we have used SBF funds to hire locally in Oroville and invest in our community. Miners Alley painting was done by Colorfast Painting Owner, Steve Ryan. You can reach him at 530-675-8830 for estimates on commercial and exterior home painting projects.

Next up on the revitalization list is for Miners Alley include:
- Hardware & supplies for temporary art installations and art shows.
- Decorative sheet fencing along the alleyway to replace chain link.
- Add “Miners Alley” Archways to match current ones.