
Downtown Oroville BID Update!

Where do BID (Business Improvement District) funds go? Downtown Oroville BID dollars are spent 60% on marketing and 40% on beautification. However, those funds alone don’t adequately address the expenses for needed downtown improvements and development. We supplement those funds

Happy Spring!

In our recent downtown needs assessment 62% of people said it was important to improve maintenance and landscaping downtown, we heard you and have been working with City staff to add some curb appeal! Over the past two weeks, the

Downtown Oroville 2021 Events List!

Get out your calendar and let’s make some plans! Here is a sneak peek at the 2021 Downtown Oroville events list.

Shop with your heart this holiday season.

Your favorite downtown shops need you more than ever this year so here are the top three ways you can get out and support your community…

Downtown Oroville Holiday Celebrations

There’s no place like home for the holidays so come lift your spirits and celebrate the season with the Hallmark movie magic of Downtown Oroville.

Thank you, Oroville Hospital, for sponsoring tonight’s Downtown Drive-In Movie, The Princess Bride!

A big thank you to Oroville Hospital for sponsoring tonight’s Downtown Oroville Drive-In Movie, The Princess Bride!  In addition to encouraging people to shop and dine Downtown, the Drive-In is an opportunity for our community to get out of the

Canceled: Feather Fiesta Days Street Fair 2020

It is with our community in mind that we have come to the difficult decision to cancel Feather Fiesta Day’s Street Fair 2020 scheduled for May 9, 2020. This is due to the news concerning COVID-19 and public health authorities’