Downtown Oroville Gets a Refresh!
Revitalizing Oroville: ODBA Board Members and Friends Give Downtown a Refresh! In an inspiring display of community spirit and commitment, the Oroville Downtown Business Association (ODBA) Beautification Committee has embarked on a comprehensive beautification project aimed at revitalizing the charm
Downtown Oroville Welcomes Live Life Juice Company
We are so excited for our New Neighbors!!! Great article in the Chico Enterprise-Record. Health-oriented sisters keep things fresh | It’s Your Business
Halloween Happenings
Check out all the spooky fun happening in downtown Oroville! These delightfully frightful events are hosted by local shop owners, organizations, and community members.
Get to know Chef Preston Farris
Local chef with a passion to bring people together over a meal and create lasting memories.
Striking Gold in Oroville!
Thank you Upgraded Living Magazine for highlighting the exciting things happening in Oroville. A big thank you to all of the people who over the years have worked tirelessly to save Downtown Oroville buildings, open businesses, clean and decorate the
Community Needs Assessment
For years we’ve all know that vacant buildings negatively affect downtown. When the BID was formed, the consultant recommended our next major step was to do a community assessment to gather public input on what new businesses should be recruited
A Message from our Downtown Oroville President
To say it’s been a difficult few years for our community would be an understatement. Yet, I am still encouraged and inspired by caring community members and business owners of Downtown Oroville. As restrictions continue to be lifted and our